The river, the railroad: a path of clashes and encounters throughout the Centuries

An audiovisual project that aims to highlight how the social and cultural life of the Natisone and Cividalese Valleys territory has always been influenced by the presence of the border.

Through this project a virtual reality film was made, with Alberto Moretti‘s photographic shots, inspired by the stories of the Great War recovered by Guido Aviani and interpreted by the re-enactors of the “Plotone Puniti“. The entire journey was followed by the students of the V^ classes of the I.S.I.S. “Paolino d’Aquileia” in Cividale, Italy.

A project realized by Incipit Film, I.S.I.S. “PAOLINO D’AQUILEIA” of Cividale, Cultural Association Cividale Novecento, Pro Loco Nediske Doline – Valli Del Natisone, APS, Municipality of Cividale, Friuli Venezia Giulia Region.