
A documentary by Miha Čelar

Every man is an island.
A story about an old man from Slovenia and a small Croatian island.

Biševo is a tiny Adriatic island – only 5.84 km². The island community is faced with extinction. But, the people who are still there are determined to stay. The youngest couple on the island, Lada and Lucio, want to secure the development of the island. This is a challenging task as not all 13 inhabitants are cooperative. People from the neighboring island of Vis have plans to take over the land in Biševo and make it into an even more exploited touristic attraction. Who will win? It is a story of the human condition and the development of democracy told through a small-scale community.


Details: FULLHD, 93’, Slovenia, Italy, Croatia
Theme: Society, Author’s point of view
Original idea: Miha Čelar, Mate Dolenc
Script, Direction: Miha Čelar
Producer: Miha Čelar
Co-producers: Marta Zaccaron, Nenad Puhovski
Executive Producer: Tamara Babun
Production: Astral Film (Slovenia)
Co-production: Quasar Multimedia, Factum (Croatia), RTV Slovenia
Status: in distribution
With the support of: MEDIA Creative Europe, RE-ACT, Slovenian Film Centre (SFC) e Viba Film, Croatian Audiovisual Centre (HAVC), Slovenian Ministry of Culture (MOC), FVG Audiovisual Film Fund and Mangart.


Selected at

East European Forum – DOC TANK (Praga 2015), RE-ACT, Motovun film festival (Motovun 2015), i_doc_Vision du Réel (Nyon 2015), Docs Barcelona – Interactive Pitch (Barcellona 2016), Cross Video Days (Lodz 2016), IDFA – Round Table Pitch (Amsterdam 2017)

i_ISLAND was a project case study at

Free Zone Film Festival (Belgrado 2017) e Zagreb Dox (Zagabria 2018)